Feb 24, 2023 08:33 UTC
  • Houthi: US prolonging Yemen conflict to reap profits from arms deals

The leader of Yemen’s popular Ansarullah resistance movement says the United States is deliberately prolonging the world's worst humanitarian disaster in war-torn Yemen in order to reap huge profits from arms deals with Saudi Arabia and its regional allies, which are engaged in the devastating war on the country.

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi made the remarks in a Thursday televised address as people attended a ceremony in the Yemeni capital city of Sana’a to pay homage to late Chairman of Yemen's Supreme Political Council Saleh al-Sammad.

“The US is trying to take advantage of the prolonged Yemen crisis. Washington has already made enormous profits from the war through arms deals [with the Riyadh regime and its allies]. US statesmen intend to install a vassal state in Yemen so as to bring the nation under their control. They have no good intentions at all,” Houthi said.

He added that the US continues to torpedo any initiative by the Sultanate of Oman and others to restore nationwide peace and stability to Yemen.

“The United States, Britain and the United Arab Emirates need to take on commitments in any future agreement. Yemen’s natural reserves have been occupied by the Saudi-led coalition of aggression, and the alliance is accountable for depriving Yemenis of sale proceeds,” Houthi said.

“We cannot accept the presence of occupying forces on the Yemeni soil, as their deployment translates into interference in our domestic affairs. We will spare no effort to drive occupying American and British forces out of our country,” the Ansarullah chief pointed out.

Houthi added that Washington is directing the devastating military campaign against Yemen, stressing that the Riyadh and Abu Dhabi regimes are simply executing its orders.

“It was the US which provoked Saudi officials to assassinate Sammad [in a drone airstrike in late April 2018]. Americans have also commanded the Saudi-led bombing raids against various Yemeni regions ever since the aggression started back in March 2015,” he said.

