Nicola Sturgeon set to reshape the politics of the British Isles
(last modified Wed, 11 Dec 2019 14:28:19 GMT )
Dec 11, 2019 14:28 UTC
  • Nicola Sturgeon set to reshape the politics of the British Isles

Nicola Sturgeon is fighting her biggest political battle tomorrow as the outcome of the election is set to determine Scotland’s future for the rest of the century.

In recent days Sturgeon has tried to position her Scottish National Party (SNP) outside the framework of the UK establishment in order to reap the dividends irrespective of the election’s outcome.

If, as expected, the Tories win a small majority tomorrow and press ahead with their Brexit plans, then the SNP is set to intensify calls for an independence referendum on the grounds that the Scottish people overwhelmingly reject Brexit.

On the other hand, in the unlikely event of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party prevailing, then Sturgeon can potentially work with a Labour government to bring forward the timetable for independence.

Scotland’s First Minister has fought a hard election campaign in the last five weeks and the last day of the campaign has been no exception.

Earlier today Sturgeon told Scotland, and the rest of the UK, that a vote for SNP “could stop a Tory victory”.

Whilst the thrust of her campaign has focused on securing a Scottish independence referendum, Sturgeon did not lose sight of other bread and butter political issues.

Half way through the campaign she raised awareness of the imperilled future of the National Health Service (NHS) in the event of the Tories maintaining power.

And as part of her strategy to win concessions from the Labour party, Sturgeon announced in late November that she was demanding £4 billion in extra funding for the NHS in Scotland as her latest demand for supporting a minority Labour government.

