Dec 23, 2023 11:59 UTC
  •  Hundreds of French Airbus staff show signs of ‘vomiting, diarrhea’ after Christmas dinner

More than 700 people working at Airbus Atlantic in France fell ill after the company’s annual Christmas dinner turned into an unexpected health crisis, as they were left suffering from vomiting and diarrhea.

The staff, who attended the dinner event organized at the company’s restaurant on December 14, showed “clinical signs of vomiting or diarrhea”, according to the ARS health agency.

The cause of the mass illness remains unclear, as it has not been revealed what contaminated item was on the menu at the festive feast turned nightmare before Christmas.

The ARS health agency has launched an investigation to determine the source of the mass food poisoning.

Located in Montoir-de-Bretagne, west France, Airbus Atlantic is a subsidiary of the Airbus group, a manufacturer of pilot seats, which employs 15,000 people in five countries.

The Airbus group, a European consortium, is the world’s largest aircraft maker ahead of Boeing and employs around 134,000 people.

Earlier this year, in a similar incident in France, a number of people fell ill including a death of a person, after contracting the rare food-borne illness botulism at a restaurant in Bordeaux.

