May 05, 2024 06:24 UTC
  • Western arms manufacturers supporting continuation of Ukrainian war
    Western arms manufacturers supporting continuation of Ukrainian war

Part Today- A user on X social network calls the US as the cause of unrest in the world. He wrote, "The US, NATO and the EU are backing [unrests in] Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and other countries and, currently, are pumping enormous amounts of weapons to Ukraine and Israel."

After the new move of the US Congress in ratifying multi-billion-dollar military aids to Ukraine and Israel from the American tax-payers, we are going to have a look at the reactions of X network users to the issue and the war of Ukraine:

  1. US Congress' hysteria

Masoud Barati, an expert in X social network, reacting to ratification of the US multi-billion-dollar aid to Ukraine, wrote, "The US Congress hysterically has inserted whatever it had in this law to confront the enemies and help the allies. HR815 continues from confronting Iran, China and Russia to supporting Ukraine and the Zionist regime. And Biden has signed it. The implication of this law is very important in the global scene arrangement."

Picture of post of Masoud Barati on US military aids to Ukraine and Israel from the pockets of American taxpayers
  1. The US and NATO, enemies of peace

Mehdi Etezadi, an activist on X social network, in a tweet, considering the supports of the US and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for Ukraine in line with the destruction of peace, wrote, "Warmongering in Ukraine by Biden and NATO is a real reason for their being anti-peace. Russia has defended its security as much as possible. The aggressive structure of NATO hegemons in Europe has endangered security and independence of all European countries."

Picture of Mahdi Etezadi's tweet
  1. Profit of American profiteers in sending of arms to Ukraine

Andekhman Zazai, a Pashtu-language activist of X social network, has also referred indirectly to the profit of the American arms-manufacturing companies, and written, "In your opinion, who are warmongering in the world and who are profiting from these wars and who are losing? The US parliament [Congress] has passed $99 billion for continuation of clash in the world. $61 billion from this budget has been ratified for Ukraine, $29 billion for Israel and $9 billion for Taiwan for military support."

Picture of Andekhman Zazai's post

     4. Ukrainian war caused economic pressure on American people

Another X social network user, in a post, called the US meddling in the war in Ukraine as the cause of economic pressure on the American people and wrote, "A strange hostility is taking shape among the American people towards Ukraine and Israel which has its roots in the US economy! In this unprecedented inflation and economic pressure, the American people can see that billions and billions of dollars of tax money, which they pay miserably, is being spent for Ukraine and Israel! This has caused a weird hatred against Biden!"

Picture of this user's tweet on the Ukrainian war and the US economic pressure on the American people.
  1. High power of Resistance Axis despite limited sources

Ms. Saberi, an Iranian activist of X social network, too, praising the high power of the Axis of Resistance, writes, "Hezbollah, Ansarullah and the Iraqi Hashd al-Sha'bi don't have even 1/1000 of the US support for Ukraine, but their daggers have pierced the heart of the enemy. Had they have received such a financial support, there would have remained nothing of the US and Israel!"

An Iranian lady's post on the high power of Resistance Axis
  1. US' exploitation of European and NATO financial resources to continue war in Ukraine

Bijan Sohrabi, an Iranian user of X network, has also charged the US with exploiting Europe and NATO in the Ukrainian war, writing, "The United States intends to fight within the framework of NATO at the expense of Europe with Russia and control China, but Europe or at least the majority of NATO member states are not economically able to accompany. Presently, they have deprived themselves of the huge Russian market and do not enjoy the Russian gas completely. The end of the Ukrainian war is unclear, too."

Picture of Bijan Sohrabi's tweet on the US' exploitation of financial resources of Europe and NATO to continue war in Ukraine
  1. Fruitlessness of Westerners' aid to Ukraine

Meanwhile, Daniel Gribov, a Russian user of X social network, described the Ukrainian war as fruitless for the people of this country, and wrote, "During two years of war, the West has promised Ukraine of nearly 250 billion Euros and almost 3/4 of this money has already been appropriated. But what is the result for Ukraine? Nothing. Therefore, this aid will soon stop!!!!"

This Russian user's tweet on fruitlessness of Westerners' aid to Ukraine
  1. Ukraine victim of West's enmity with Russia

Another Russian-language user of X social network, in response to other users of this network in relation to the West and Ukraine, wrote, "You are the victim of the American propaganda. Whatsoever the Russians are showing is exactly what the West has equipped Ukraine with for more than 20 years, and it was Ukraine and the West which lost much more not Russia."

Picture of this Russian user's tweet
  1. The West intent to continue war in Ukraine

Yekatrina Yodina, an activist of X social network, called West hell-bent on continuation of war in Ukraine and wrote, "Nobody will listen because neither the West nor Ukraine want to settle the conflict at all."

Yekatrina Yodina's tweet on the West's inclination to continue war in Ukraine
  1.   Russian high defense capability against the West

Another Russian-language user of X social network evaluated the Russian defense capability very superior to the West, and wrote, "Russia will respond 10-fold to every blow. Ukraine and the US are doomed to failure. Italian daily, IL Fatto Quotidiano, writes, 'The US has once again appropriated "aid" to Ukraine and is prolonging senseless clash with Russia. The West will certainly be defeated in this confrontation'."

This Russian-language user's tweet  
  1. The US cause of unrests in the world

Another user of X social network calling the United States as the cause of unrests in the world, writes, "This shows how much West is crazy! The US, NATO and the EU are behind the [unrests] in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and Yugoslavia, and from now on, are pumping enormous amounts of weapons to Ukraine and Israel." The reality that presently they are criticizing China because of helping Russia, indicates what lunatics are leading the West."

This user's tweet about America's role in world’s unrest   

Keywords: war of Russia and Ukraine, West's aid to Ukraine, how the war of Ukraine started, Russian military power, why does Ukrainian war not end

