Dec 31, 2018 14:24 UTC

The Islamic Republic of Iran, with trust in God and relying on people's support and ability, has got to the point of full power so that it can deter any would-be enemy. The victory of the Islamic Revolution was undoubtedly the unmatched phenomenon of the 20th century as it continues to impact cultural, political, social and economic events across the world.

Any revolution may have regional and global impacts and may present a message to create a strategic depth. The more attractive a revolution is; the more people will accept it as a model to follow. The Islamic Revolution occurred in a juncture when liberalist and communist moves were no more appealing to the people in the world. This revolution's message was that Islam is not only able to organize a great struggle, but in the complicated age of atom, it can solve the problems of societies, administer them and guarantee their survival. In other words, the Islamic Revolution gathered oppressed, downtrodden and deprived people of the world who don't want to tolerate the imposed western culture and civilization anymore. The "Neither East, Nor West" motto of the Islamic Revolution, indeed means to negate any oppression and dominance of the world powers. Pointing to the insinuations of enemies to besmirch the image of the Islamic Revolution and distort its message, Ayatollah Khamenei said:

 "How much the world propaganda crushed this phrase of dear Imam Khomeini, who said, 'We Will export our revolution to the whole world.' Exporting the revolution didn't mean that we stand up, go here and there with might and power, stage war and force people to rebellion and revolution; the Imam didn't mean this at all. This is not among our policies and principles; it is rather rejected. They [westerners] translated this phrase in this way and crushed it. Exporting the revolution means that the world nations see that a nation with its power and relying on its will and resolve and trust in God resists and does not submit. If nations see this perseverance, they will believe it and will be encouraged to rescue themselves from oppression."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, referring to the stiff resistance of the oppressed Palestinian nation against the chronic injustice imposed on them by the usurper Zionist regime, said: 

"If today you look at the Palestinian people in the Occupied Territories, you'll see that people have really struggled under pressure. This struggle is being done under tough conditions; but people continued this struggle. The people of Afghanistan, who faced many hardships and there was no one in the whole world to help them even a single day, fought, resisted and continued alone. Other nations, too, are like this and this stems from the model of Islam and the Islamic Republic in Iran. The revolution is exported in this way and creates a lesson, teaching a model for nations."

The United States and some of its European allies, with the help of their regional flunkeys, spread false propaganda that Iran is meddling in the internal affairs of other countries and destabilizing the region. This is blown in the hired mainstream media of the west, while the spying networks of the US and the illegal Zionist regime with the Saudi petrodollars keep hatching plots to overthrow sovereign governments in the region through proxy wars.

Whether the Global Arrogance and Zionism like it or not, the Islamic Revolution has strongly challenged the arrogant powers spearheaded by the Great Satan (the US). The United States of America has spent exorbitantly to fight the Islamic Revolution.

Imam Khomeini wrote in the end of his last will, "In this world, the volume of enduring hardships, sufferings, sacrifices and deprivations is proportional to the greatness of the goal and its value and lofty status."

 The Islamic Revolution has announced its specific goals and ideals even before the victory and the leader and the nation have left no stone unturned to achieve these goals. That's why the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been an important issue in the US foreign policy. With Donald Trump's coming to the White House, the US has adopted clearer stances against Iran than his predecessors. But, the question is: How much have the American conspiracies succeeded in deviating the Islamic Revolution from its main course?

40 years of Iranian nation's stiff resistance against the US has thwarted all these conspiracies from economic sanctions to all-out war. Thus, the so-called paralyzing sanctions have backfired and it is the US which is suffering from its own sanctions. The United States and its allies did their best to halt Iran's peaceful nuclear program, missile program and regional policies through fueling Iranophobia in the region and beyond. But they have never succeeded to coerce the Iranian nation into submission. The American hostility has further strengthened the Islamic Republic and consolidated the Iranian nation. The main reason for the US enmity toward the Islamic Republic is Iran's struggle against Arrogance and opposition to any US interventionist policies and shedding the blood of innocent nations across the world.       

