• Yemen’s dangerous war

    Yemen’s dangerous war

    Jan 15, 2018 15:54

    Saudi meddling in regional politics and its intervention in Yemen is destabilizing the Middle East, and pushing the country into sickness and starvation.

  • Ansarallah: Revolutionaries Pegged as Religious Extremists

    Ansarallah: Revolutionaries Pegged as Religious Extremists

    Jan 09, 2018 09:23

    The Ansarallah enjoy wide support from the Yemeni people, and the popular movement can be more accurately described as a national liberation movement, and not religious or tribal extremists as alleged by their enemies, such as the West and its Arab clients, such as Saudi Arabia which for almost the past three years has subjected them to intense bombardment but without making a dent in their resolve.

  • Over 700 Yemeni civilian casualties by US-backed Saudi airstrikes in December

    Over 700 Yemeni civilian casualties by US-backed Saudi airstrikes in December

    Jan 08, 2018 10:23

    The US-backed Saudi monarchy and its allied Persian Gulf oil sheikdoms have dramatically escalated their bombing campaign against Yemen, the poorest nation in the Middle East, massacring scores of civilians within the last few days.

  • Year 2017 results: Some go up, while others go down

    Year 2017 results: Some go up, while others go down

    Jan 07, 2018 20:15

    As the year 2017 came to the closure, one couldn’t help but notice the deep wounds that it left on the face of this world. Among those one can mention the never-ending horror of the Syrian war, conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Ukraine, that are claiming thousands of innocent civilians, while affecting elder people, women and children the most. The victims of these conflicts won’t live to see the peaceful future tomorrow, if there’s one after all that killing.

  • A thousandth day & the destruction of Yemen goes on

    A thousandth day & the destruction of Yemen goes on

    Dec 30, 2017 20:25

    It seems there is no end to the state terrorism of Saudi Arabia, which emboldened by its ties to the super terrorist, the US, continues to bomb Yemen to bits, but when there is retaliation from the defenders, Riyadh cries and tries to act innocent as if the Yemenis have committed a crime.

  • 1,000 days of war in Yemen, 'land of blood and bombs'

    1,000 days of war in Yemen, 'land of blood and bombs'

    Dec 26, 2017 10:46

    The war goes on. The men, women, and children of Yemen are being bombed to bits by Saudi Arabia with the most lethal weapons supplied by the US. Yet no one condemns Riyadh and Washington for their crimes against humanity, but when the Yemenis retaliate, the UN and the big powers cry hoarse, as if they have no right to defend themselves against aggression that is nearing its third year.

  • Syria and Yemen: A tale of two conflicts

    Syria and Yemen: A tale of two conflicts

    Dec 18, 2017 17:13

    Syria and Yemen present the horrible spectacle of countries destroyed and people killed in tens of thousands by US-supported Saudi Arabia, in the first named country indirectly through terrorists and in the second country through direct state terrorism by Riyadh, while the world watches in ominous silence without any concern for the human catastrophe, but time-to-time opportunistic propaganda in favour of the West and its protégés.

  • Yemen Enters New Phase with End of Saleh’s Treason

    Yemen Enters New Phase with End of Saleh’s Treason

    Dec 05, 2017 09:50

    The death of former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh in a shootout with security forces, when he tried to flee towards the Saudis following his open betrayal of the people of Yemen, has been hailed as a timely occurrence that averted a very grave plot against the country and the aspirations of the war-stricken people.

  • Crimes against humanity: US-backed Saudi blockade deprives 2.5 million Yemenis of clean water

    Crimes against humanity: US-backed Saudi blockade deprives 2.5 million Yemenis of clean water

    Nov 29, 2017 10:29

    The state terrorism of Saudi Arabia has pushed Yemen, the Arab World’s poorest country, to the brink of famine and epidemic diseases, yet the US, which likes to style itself as defender of human rights, continues to be an accomplice in the crimes against humanity of the Riyadh regime.

  • Yemen: Ten myths about Saudi war of aggression debunked

    Yemen: Ten myths about Saudi war of aggression debunked

    Nov 28, 2017 17:37

    Why is Yemen not being described as a Holocaust? Why are the western governments and media refusing to use the H word when they use it so liberally to demonise target governments or nations?