Jul 01, 2024 16:40 UTC
  • Zionist newspaper: The result of war with Hezbollah is absolute defeat

Pars Today - A Tel Aviv-based newspaper warned about the expansion of war against Lebanon and wrote: The result of a large-scale war with Hezbollah would be absolute defeat for Israel.

Since the start of the al-Aqsa Storm operation, Hezbollah has managed to gain the upper hand in the north of the Occupied Territories by using anti-armor and precision weapons, which has caused panic among Zionist regime officials. 

According to Pars Today, the Zionist newspaper "Haaretz" wrote in a report titled "An all-out war in Lebanon could only spell one thing for Israel – Total defeat": Israel will experience a severe defeat if the war expands to Lebanon and ground operations are conducted in this region.

Haaretz stated that the occupying regime is not capable of launching a large-scale attack on Lebanon and occupying its southern regions. It wrote: Israel is not looking to occupy southern Lebanon up to the Litani River, but wants to conduct only a limited military operation on the border to assure northern residents that the area is safe for their return.

This Zionist media warned about the complexity of the regional situation and wrote: Conducting such an operation, even on a limited scale, could escalate tensions in the region and cause the situation to go out of control.

Haaretz continued: Hezbollah's response to Israel's military action could turn this small military maneuver into an all-out war, and there is a possibility of Hezbollah targeting Israel's strategic infrastructure and even causing power outages.

Meanwhile, the Israeli newspaper "Yedioth Ahronoth" wrote: The Lebanese resistance has high military capabilities and very dangerous equipment and technologies.

This newspaper added: The infiltration of hundreds of drones from Lebanon's borders showed that the security and military apparatus are not prepared to counter these aircraft.

Yedioth Ahronoth wrote: The Israeli army is desperately seeking a solution to these threats.

Zionist regime media, acknowledging the impact of the severe blows by Lebanese resistance forces to northern occupied Palestine, have announced that Hezbollah's operations have turned into a war of attrition and the crushing of Zionist settlements in this region.

According to Zionist regime military experts, Hezbollah alone engaged half of the regime's army's capability on the northern front, preventing the occupying army from having a strong presence on the southern front.

Key terms: Israel's defeat, Hezbollah's victory, Resistance Axis power, Gaza and Hezbollah

