Feb 18, 2023 06:31 UTC
  • Ukrainian commander wears Daesh insignia on uniform, video shows

A media report broadcast by the Associated Press from the war front in Ukraine has shown one of the Ukrainian military commanders wearing Daesh insignia on his uniform.

In the video, the commander, referred to as “Kurt,” is stating that the Ukrainian military needs more advanced weapons to defeat Russia.

“In order for us to win, we need fighter jets, rockets,” the commander says, reiterating similar calls by Kiev officials for additional western weapons.

It is unclear if the patch on the commander's arm signifies the Ukrainian commander’s current or former links to Daesh (ISIS), or whether he simply obtained the patch and chose to wear it as a novelty.

However, the AP report showing the Kiev commander wearing a Daesh patch raises concerns about increased terrorist activities across Ukraine.

It is a fact that Washington has funded and trained both extremist forces in West Asia as well as Neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine to fight in its proxy wars aimed to maintain and expand its global hegemony.

Earlier reports from US forces deployed in Syria showed they had been recruiting and training dozens of Takfiri terrorists to carry out attacks in Russia and several other ex-Soviet states, Russia's intelligence agency said.

Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) revealed that US forces in Syria were training militants affiliated with Daesh and Al-Qaeda at the Al-Tanf base on the Syria-Iraq border to carry out attacks inside the former Soviet states.

Earlier this month, the Akhbar Al-Aan news channel interviewed Abdul Hakim al-Shishani, a notorious Chechen terrorist who now leads a Foreign Legion brigade in the Ukrainian army.

Shishani previously fought against Russian forces in Chechnya in the 1990’s, and more recently in Syria at the head of the Ajnad al-Kafkaz Battalion, an armed group that allied itself with Jabhat al-Nusra and other al-Qaeda-linked groups in the US-led regime change war against the Syrian government, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Other videos and photos have also shown patches and insignia used by Kiev forces bearing the Nazi symbol.

Ukrainian ultra-nationalists and neo-Nazis are to blame for the years-long crisis in the pro-Russia regions of eastern Ukraine.

