Aug 01, 2024 06:10 UTC
  • US army about to fail; lack of enough sources and shortage of young force

Pars Today - According to the analysis of Foreign Policy, the American military forces are now at the point of defeat and adding more military load on the army without increasing sources for its logistic reconstruction will lead to numerous defeats.

Newsweek magazine wrote, "Decrease of public trust of Americans in the military and decrease of the American youths' inclination in military service is a serious crisis for the US. According to Pars Today, during the second financial month of 2024, active employment in the American army was 30-40 percent less than the determined goals.

Moreover, during this period, the recruitment of ground, air and navy reserve forces and the national guard decreased 20 percent.

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Newsweek, mentioning that these numbers indicate continuation of a bitter trend in the US army, made it clear that the trust in the military is in the lowest level.

This magazine, writing that the US, despite weak performance in wars, depicts an easy and low-expense image of war to the American people, wrote, "The growing trend of military bases' deployments is often done through incorrect excuses and expensive funding of debts so that this issue causes decrease of public trust in the military."

Part of the Newsweek report reads, "Since 2001 the US government, in addition to $2 trillion direct expenses of war, has spent $925 billion for reimbursement of interests and the American people are still paying these costs."

Newsweek then stressing that the US government is inclined in distorting realities to justify and continue wars, continues, "Participation in wars has always been restricted to the weak part of the US society which is mainly composed of the low-income socio-economic groups of society. These strata grapple with deaths in the warfront, suicide, disabling injuries, spiritual and psychological diseases and drug abuse."

New Week refers to serious crisis in the US army while Foreign Policy in an article, pointing to the report of the US "Commission on the National Defense Strategy" wrote, "The US strategy to confront increasing threats in Europe and West Asia and the synergy of Russia and China is "inadequate"."

Foreign Policy reiterated that, according to the admitting of this commission, the US industries are limited for war, particularly if numerous wars take place simultaneously across the world. And the defense planners of NATO should determine goals for military abilities of the US allies in Europe in a bid to decrease their excessive dependence on the US.

According to Foreign Policy, the American military forces are now at the point of defeat and adding more military load on the army, without increasing sources for its logistic reconstruction, will lead to numerous defeats.

The results of the researches of the Commission on the National Defense Strategy indicate that the US military does not have the necessary ability and capacity to make sure that it will be winner rather than the loser in a war.


Key phrases: How is the US military situation? crisis in US military, defeat of US military, recruitment situation in US military, US military power