Police detain 80 healthcare bill protesters on US Capitol
(last modified Tue, 11 Jul 2017 11:54:53 GMT )
Jul 11, 2017 11:54 UTC
  • Demonstrators are taken away in handcuffs by US Capitol police while protesting against Republican health care reform legislation
    Demonstrators are taken away in handcuffs by US Capitol police while protesting against Republican health care reform legislation

Police have arrested at least 80 demonstrators during a major protest against the Republican Party’s healthcare plans on the US Capitol in Washington, DC.

US Capitol Police confirmed the news in a statement on Monday, saying they arrested 32 men and 48 women after receiving 13 different calls about ongoing protests in various parts of the Congress building at about 2:00 pm.

Chanting “Kill the Bill,” the activists urged Republicans in both the House of Representatives and Senate to withdraw legislation aimed at repealing and replacing former President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law, known as Obamacare.

The replacement law, dubbed American Healthcare Act (AHCA), or Trumpcare, is the brainchild of President Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers.

The protesters held signs that read “Trumpcare = death" and "Love it, improve it, Medicare for all." Before being encountered by police, some of the protesters made their way into the offices of a number of senators and representatives while shouting "Trumpcare has got to go."

Republican Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, who had no ties to the bill, said he appreciated the message protesters conveyed by seating outside of his office. The activists also entered the office of Senator Rob Portman from Ohio, also Republican, and threatened to prevent his re-election in case the bill becomes law.

