Middle East Eye: Israel learnt sexual harassment of Palestinian captives from US
(last modified Wed, 14 Aug 2024 11:13:13 GMT )
Aug 14, 2024 11:13 UTC
  • Middle East Eye: Israel learnt sexual harassment of Palestinian captives from US

Pars Today- Middle East Eye website wrote that the West's expressing surprise at the reports of raping Palestinian captives is a show-off.

Middle East Eye, referring to the long record of the American and British colonialists in torture and the reports of human rights institutions about torturing Palestinians in the Israeli prisons, has reported that the expression of surprise by Westerners on the pictures of raping Palestinian prisoners is a fake show. According to Pars Today, quoting from ISNA, the report indicates that the scandal of sexual torturing of Palestinians in the Zionist regime's prisons, in which 9 soldiers of the regime are detained and then put in house arrest, are narrated on the Western media in a way as if a rare event had occurred rather than a common method. The Westerners' presumptions in the face of this shocking issue has been expressed in a way as though sexual torture was not a frequent and routine event in the prisons of the Zionist regime.

This is while, the issue is not a new thing in the methods of Israel's oppression and suppression. This fabricated regime's army has resorted to systematic physical and sexual torture of the Palestinian captives at least since 1967 and the human rights groups disclosed this bitter fact years ago.

According to the report, since 1980s, "sadism" or "harassing others" has been an obvious behavioral characteristic of the Zionist colonialists against Palestinians so that even some of the moderate Zionist leaders had protested the conduct.

The report adds that this kind of sadism and sexual torture accompanying it, has its roots not only in the arrogance of the European colonialism but also in the views maintaining that Arabs understand only the language of force and are more sensitive to sexual torture than Europeans.

Picture of a rapist who has brought for interview through the pressure of human rights institutions. He defends his act


Torture, a common issue

The West is amazed at the news of rape in the Israeli prisons, while the Zionists residing in the Occupied Territories together with some of the members of the Knesset attacked the detention centers where these rapists were kept to free them. Several ministers of the Israeli cabinet have publicly supported raping of Palestinian prisoners and have depicted it as a legitimate act!

According to Middle East Eye, expression of surprise to these reports is a show-off, as the Zionist regime human rights organization "B'Tselem" has reported that, since October 2023, this regime has sought to execute the policies of organized abuse and torture against prisoners. On the other hand, one of the rapist jailers, who had been detained, attended TV channel 14 of the regime with a mask and defended this inhumane act in a live program.

Shortly after, he unmasked himself on his cyberspace account and boastfully spoke of his acts and the acts of his group! The Zionist regime TV, too, has called for punishment of the person who has given the video of raping Palestinian prisoners to the human rights groups. They have dubbed him as a "traitor".

Abu Ghraib prison, one of the most notorious American detention centers in Iraq where many sexual harassments were disclosed

Racial torture

The British media, in his report, has said that this measure of the Zionist regime is not unprecedented in the world, as the main supporter of the regime [the US] has a long record of these sordid acts. After the disclosure of the inhumane behavior of the Americans towards the Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison in 2003, Seymour Hersh, the American veteran journalist, exposed that the conservative Americans who support the war had raised the issue of likely sensitivity of Arabs to sexual harassment several months before.

Middle East Eye, pointing to the book, "Sobhi al-Khazra'", a Palestinian political prisoner who has interviewed with the tortured inmates, mentions his narration of the crimes of the Zionists and the British backing them in the onset of colonization of Palestine.

Al-Khazra' has touched upon the intention of the British in torturing and written that these tortures were not done with the aim of interrogation, but the purpose was merely to enforce violence against Arabs and Muslims and showed the effort of colonialists to wreak their hatred and anger on Arabs.

According to this report, the basic issue is not that Arabs and Muslims have committed a crime to be tortured in a bid to confess. Torture has been carried out only for satisfying carnal desires of torturers. Torture for the sake of torture.

Torturing a Vietnamese soldier by American military        

Following steps of old colonialists

According to Pars Today, Middle East Eye tries to further prove that the Westerners' surprise at torture in the Israeli prisons is fake. It refers to the fact that during the war in Vietnam, American soldiers' raping of Vietnamese female guerrillas had turned into a common practice and even a part of the instructions of the American army's exercises.

The report continues, "The same orientalist and gender-oriented paradigm, ruling the Israeli view of Palestinian prisoners, ruled the Americans' view in the Vietnam war, too."

According to Middle East Eye, murder and raping of Palestinians and theft of their lands has turned into the permanent strategy of Zionists and the requests for "investigation" on the issue will lead nowhere.

This British media concludes its report with predicting that the Zionist regime will once more stress "self-defense" in its "investigation" and will claim [abiding by] values and legal and moral principles; the very principles which has permitted the Zionists since 1948 to persecute and harass the Palestinian nation while no organization is responsive for these misbehavior.


Key phrases: sexual torture, rape, rape in Vietnam, Abu Ghraib prison, Israeli war, raping Palestinians


