• Internet curbs on Rohingya risk wider virus outbreak

    Internet curbs on Rohingya risk wider virus outbreak

    Mar 31, 2020 16:12

    Bangladeshi authorities through their official block on Internet access in the Cox’s Bazar camps have obstructed those Rohingya refugees’ right to information on how to protect themselves from contracting the coronavirus. Those restrictions also hobble the efforts of aid groups and government agencies effectively to communicate urgent health messaging to a Rohingya refugee community spread across 34 separate camps.

  • Myanmar pays rising price for Rohingya crisis

    Myanmar pays rising price for Rohingya crisis

    Mar 04, 2020 14:24

    Recently, the government of Myanmar started paying a real price for its failure to provide meaningful accountability for its security forces’ widespread and systematic violence against the country’s Muslim Rohingya minority in Northern Rakhine State in late 2017.

  • What is genocide?

    What is genocide?

    Dec 15, 2019 20:52

    What constitutes 'genocide'? And what persons or groups can be considered victims of it? Recently Gambia has filed a case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) charging Myanmar with committing genocide against its Rohingya minority.

  • Myanmar’s judicial defense of the indefensible

    Myanmar’s judicial defense of the indefensible

    Dec 02, 2019 11:00

    A 444-page report issued in September 2018 by the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission concluded that there was evidence of atrocities by Myanmar security forces against the Rohingya warranting criminal prosecution for crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide.

  • Rohingya refugees need rights, not restrictions

    Rohingya refugees need rights, not restrictions

    Nov 28, 2019 20:02

    Some high-level officials of the Bangladeshi government have recently expressed concern that the Rohingya refugees residing in their country represent a security threat to Bangladesh and the wider region. Under this premise, they have implemented a series of restrictions on the Rohingya communities in the refugee camps. But there no facts to back up their claim.

  • Gambia’s gallant goal to redress plight of Rohingya Muslims

    Gambia’s gallant goal to redress plight of Rohingya Muslims

    Nov 22, 2019 17:44

    “Gambia deserves praise for filing an official complaint against Myanmar with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague for violations of the United Nations’ 1948 Genocide Convention linked to abuses against its Muslim Rohingya minority.” This was part of an article written by staff writers of Keyhan International under the heading: “Gambia’s gallant goal to redress plight of Rohingya Muslims”.

  • Gambia takes global lead in justice for Rohingya

    Gambia takes global lead in justice for Rohingya

    Nov 15, 2019 07:39

    Recently, the government of The Gambia gave the 740,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh a hint of something unfamiliar to them: hope. The West African country accomplished that by filing an official complaint against Myanmar with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague for violations of the United Nations’ 1948 Genocide Convention linked to abuses against its Muslim Rohingya minority.

  • Bangladesh’s troubling Rohingya relocation plan

    Bangladesh’s troubling Rohingya relocation plan

    Nov 01, 2019 14:20

    In its Cox’s Bazar refugee camps, Bangladesh has generously provided a modicum of safety and dignity to the Rohingya refugee survivors of the Myanmar military campaign of widespread and systematic violence in late 2017. But the durability of that safety and dignity is now in doubt.

  • Japan’s quiet embrace of Myanmar’s top rights abuser

    Japan’s quiet embrace of Myanmar’s top rights abuser

    Oct 31, 2019 23:09

    Drowned out by the noise of the Rugby World Cup and overshadowed by the deadly devastation wrought by Typhoon Hagibis was a meeting between Japan’s leaders and war criminal, which went largely unreported by the media and unnoticed by the public.

  • Action to end Myanmar war crimes urged

    Action to end Myanmar war crimes urged

    Sep 25, 2019 09:17

    As the Myanmar military becomes ever emboldened to act with impunity – deploying the same heinous tactics it has used against the Rohingya and other ethnic and religious minorities for decades – it is no wonder that not a single Rohingya presented himself for a recent attempted repatriation by the governments of Myanmar and Bangladesh to return to Rakhine State.