Nov 30, 2021 10:54 UTC
  • Iran: No less than sanctions removal, no more than JCPOA commitments

Tehran has ruled out the introduction of new commitments in the ongoing talks with the remaining parties to the Iran nuclear deal in the Austrian capital, saying nothing less or more than the removal of sanctions is acceptable.

“Whatever is taking place in Vienna is intended for the removal of sanctions. Neither will we accept anything less, nor will take on any nuclear commitments beyond what has been stated in the JCPOA,” Saeed Khatibzadeh told IRNA on Tuesday, using the 2015 nuclear deal’s official acronym, which stands for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

He stressed, “Subjects like step-by-step negotiations and new commitments have no place in our dialogues.”

Khatibzadeh said the Islamic Republic of Iran has entered the Vienna talks with a strong will and dispatched a fully prepared delegation to Austria to ensure the removal of US sanctions.

In his remarks, a day after the resumption of the Vienna talks, Khatibzadeh said the negotiations can be said to be “on the right track.”

Of course, he continued, provided that “the other side sincerely intends to work towards the removal of sanctions rather than wasting time, extending the duration of the talks, or inventing childish excuses.”

