Jun 16, 2024 13:06 UTC
  • Iran's 14th rank among world's highly cited universities and accepting of foreign students / excerpts of academic news

Pars Today - According to the data of Essential Scientific Indicators (ESI), Iran with 134 universities and research institutes, ranks 14 among the highly cited institutes in the world.

Publication of Iranian professor's book, by Springer Publications, Iran's 14th ranking among the highly cited universities in the world, Iranian technologists' access to the technical know-how of manufacturing the protection relay of transformer currency, are excerpts of the top news of Iranian universities which you can see on Pars Today.

Iranian universities in the heat of presidential election


Iranian universities in the heat of presidential election

Special movements have started in various Iranian universities as we near the time of presidential election (June 28), and students inviting the candidates, get familiar with their programs. Students, in these sessions, embark on examining and criticizing these programs.

Publication of Iranian professor's book by Springer Publications

The book, "Earthworms and Ecological Processes", collected and edited by Yahya Kouch, member of the scientific board of the Faculty of Natural Sources and Marine Sciences of Tarbiat Modarres Univesrity, was published by Springer International Publications. 37 prominent researchers from 17 countries (Iran, Canada, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Ireland, China, France, Italy, Maghreb, Spain, Colombia, Czech Republic, Sweden, Germany and Australia) have co-authored this book. Springer is an American publications active in the field of publishing scientific books and magazines.

Publication of Iranian professor's book by Springer publications


Iranian students' success in manufacturing Nano-composites for production of radar-evasive covers

Researchers of Amir Kabir Technical University succeeded to make Nano-composites to contribute in production of anti-radar or radar-evasive covers. This invention can be used in different fields such as electronic industry treatment and health.

Iran ranks 14 among highly cited global universities

According to the data of Essential Scientific Indicators (ESI) within the 2014-2024 period, Iran with 134 universities and research institutes has gained the 14th rank among the highly cited global institutes, and among the Islamic countries, Iran enjoys the highest share after Turkey. The number of the Iranian highly cited universities and research institutes in the ESI has grown in comparison with last year. This number was 115 last year.

Iranian seminary and university research center admits foreign students

Research Center of Hawza and University of Iran admits foreign students at the MA level in the fields of "Qur'an and Hadith Sciences", "Economic Sciences", "Historical and Islamic Civilization Studies", and PhD students in the fields of "Psychology", Governmental Management", "Sociology", "Economic Sciences", "Qur'an and Hadith Sciences", "Educational Sciences, academic minor: Philosophy of Education". The following is the website address of this center:


Iranian Research Center of Hawza and University admits foreign students


Iranian technologists' access to technical know-how of manufacturing protection relay of transformer current

Iranian technologists of a knowledge-based company at the Science and Technology Park of Tehran University have gained access to the technical know-how of manufacturing protection relay of transformer currency. As soon as the incidence of flaws such as thunder strike, tearing of wire and cable and electric conductors, incidence of flaw and short contact in electric equipment (like transformer, pylon, power transfer lines, and so on) these protection relays are alarmed and in a very short time (approximately 20-50 milliseconds) release the order of cutting the electric current.


Key phrases: Iranian universities, students' situation in Iran, scientific sanction of Iran, Iranian scientists, Iranian inventors




