May 22, 2024 08:28 UTC
  • This man pursued convergence and peace/ A look at diplomatic efforts of Martyr Raeisi

Pars Today: Al Jazeera Network in a report said: Today, the Palestinian resistance lost one of its greatest supporters, especially at this sensitive time.

The network referred to the martyrdom of Ayatollah Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi, the late President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, who were accompanying him in the tragic helicopter crash incident in northwestern Iran: "May God have mercy on the souls of President Raeisi, Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian, and all those who lost their lives in the helicopter crash."

The Palestinian resistance has lost one of its greatest supporters, especially at this sensitive time when it needs more active and effective supporters. However, after this tragic incident, the Iranian government acted well and issued a statement emphasizing that there would be no vacuum or problem in the administration of the country, and Iran would continue to move forward without fatigue on the path of dignity and pride.

Al Jazeera continued to highlight the important role of Ayatollah Raeisi in improving Iran's relations with its neighboring countries, emphasizing that President Raeisi made great efforts to eliminate differences with neighboring countries and initiated a reconciliation process at all levels with Arab countries. 

He ended the long-standing tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia by establishing a historic reconciliation with the kingdom. He also mediated with Oman to revive relations with Egypt and resume diplomatic relations with the country, which had been tense for four decades.

The media outlet added: Ayatollah Raeisi also deepened cooperation with Algeria, opening a large door for expanding relations with other African countries. This move took place while the regime of Israel normalized its relations with Morocco in Africa in 2020, as part of the so-called normalization deal, which the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan also joined. 

The process of improving Iran's relations with its neighboring countries during Raeisi's presidency was not limited to Arab countries and also included Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Turkey.

Al Jazeera reported: The Iranian foreign ministry and its Pakistani counterpart quickly worked to prevent a crisis caused by terrorist movements on the shared borders of the two countries. When relations between Pakistan and Iran were on the verge of tension, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian traveled to Pakistan and extinguished the flames of conflict.

The Qatari network continued to highlight the improvement of relations between Iran and Turkey during Raeisi's presidency, reporting: Despite US sanctions against Iran, we witnessed an increase in economic cooperation between Ankara and Tehran in all fields, and the two sides made great efforts to strengthen their political commonalities. Especially in supporting the Palestinian resistance, Iran and Turkey adopted common positions, and the presidents of the two countries quickly followed up and held meetings with Palestinian resistance officials, including Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas's political bureau, and showed their decisive support for Palestine. This is a major challenge for the US government, which has tried to portray Hamas as a criminal organization.

In conclusion, the report stated: You can take any stance you want against Iran, but please tell us, is there a louder voice than Iran's in supporting the resistance at this sensitive time? May God have mercy on the followers of the right path.

Excerpt from an article published in Mehr News Agency


Key phrases: Iran's neighbors, Iran and West Asia, Iran's relations with the world, Where is West Asia, Iran-Egypt relations, Iran-Saudi Arabia relations
