Jun 11, 2024 11:53 UTC
  • Hezbollah drives Israel mad in intelligence war / story of balloons and bedroom

The Lebanese resistance has published a video on Aljazeera channel showing how Hezbollah monitors every minutest movement of the Israeli military even in their bedrooms.

According to Pars Today, Hezbollah as one of the Lebanese resistance forces and representative of the global resistance, has targeted all spying, surveillance and radar jamming centers of the colonial Israeli regime since October 8, 2023.

The Lebanese Hezbollah has attacked the intelligence base of Meron 7 times and has targeted two spying balloons of the regime in Tabaria and Balda Remish region.

Thus, the Israeli regime has lost the power to control airspace and receive aerial intelligence from the borders of Lebanon and the Occupied Palestine; and the resistance has succeeded to send its spying aircraft and suicide drones to the Occupied Territories without activating the missile defense and alarm systems in the northern front. As a result, targeting the Zionist regime's spying systems plays a major role in giving a free hand to Hezbollah's drones in the Lebanese airspace.

Hezbollah succeeded to receive important information in Arab al-Aramshe region with its spying aircrafts. Thus, it targeted this center which led to the death and injury of 18 Israeli forces during the operation.

Hezbollah has expanded the range of its attacks. As for the destruction of two intelligence balloons of the Israeli regime, we should say that the resistance did a very smart job. Brigadier General Munir Shehadah, former chief of the Lebanese military court, in an interview with the Iranian Mehr news agency, said that, when the favorable wind blew, they first targeted the control room with a tactic, since otherwise, the control room would automatically delete all the information of this balloon. Then, the balloon itself was targeted with Diamond missile. In continuation, the cables were destroyed so that the favorable wind would not draw them towards Lebanon.

The second balloon fell in Tabaria, 32 kilometers from the Lebanese border. The Lebanese Hezbollah was not content with only destroying this balloon, it rather sent its spying drones deep into the Occupied Territories, and after imaging and collection of information from the balloon and the desired targets, they came back to Lebanon.

The Lebanese resistance has published a video on Aljazeera channel showing how Hezbollah monitors every movement of the Israeli military even in their bedrooms. In Beit Hillel, it can even shoot missiles to the bedrooms of Israeli military, just as it has released the pictures of many Zionist injured on the social websites.

The Lebanese Hezbollah, with shooting missiles to the bedrooms of the Israeli military, showed that it has gained exact information via its spying drones and it enjoys high intelligence power so that even the vehicles entering and exiting the Israeli centers are targeted by the resistance.

In addition, Hezbollah has recently unveiled its suicide drones which carry two SAM-5 missiles. Therefore, these drones can attack three different targets simultaneously, while the attack that the drone itself does occurs in a way that the camera installed on it telecommunicates the images. The Diamond missile has the same technology, too.


Key phrases: Hezbollah's intelligence power, War of Israel and Lebanon, How much is Hezbollah's power? Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah


