• Abandoning Yemen to war criminals

    Abandoning Yemen to war criminals

    Oct 18, 2021 18:50

    The Saudi government made an intense effort to kill the UN investigation into war crimes so that they and their allies could continue killing innocent Yemenis with impunity.

  • Did the United Nations just abandon Yemen?

    Did the United Nations just abandon Yemen?

    Oct 17, 2021 09:45

    Monday, October 11, marked the official closure of the U.N. Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen. For nearly four years, this investigative group examined human rights abuses suffered by Yemenis whose basic rights to food, shelter, safety, health care and education were horribly violated, all while they were bludgeoned by Saudi and U.S. air strikes, drone attacks, and constant warfare since 2014.

  • Saudi Arabia accused of sabotaging UN probe of war crimes in Yemen

    Saudi Arabia accused of sabotaging UN probe of war crimes in Yemen

    Oct 10, 2021 10:20

    Human rights defenders are expressing outrage after the United Nations Human Rights Council recently voted against continuing a U.N.-backed probe into possible war crimes in Yemen. Amnesty International said the outcome followed "pressure by Saudi Arabia and other coalition partners."

  • British soldier arrested for protesting against Yemen war & arms support for Saudi Arabia

    British soldier arrested for protesting against Yemen war & arms support for Saudi Arabia

    Sep 21, 2021 20:56

    Britain plays an outsized role in the conflict in Yemen. A 2018 paper found that an estimated 7,000 employees of U.K. contractor companies, civil servants, and temporarily deployed military personnel were currently aiding Saudi forces in their attack on the country.

  • Saudi-US terrorism takes a ‘Takfiri’ turn in Yemen

    Saudi-US terrorism takes a ‘Takfiri’ turn in Yemen

    Jul 21, 2021 09:09

    The Riyadh-Abu Dhabi coalition of aggressors with unending supply of aircraft and weapons from the US and Britain, have bombed Yemeni mosques, libraries, hospitals, schools, orphanages, power grids, waterworks, marketplaces, and residential quarters, while destroying the infrastructure, killing over 250,000 men, women, and children, and making millions of people homeless, yet they completely failed to win the war.

  • UK’s immoral role in war on Yemen

    UK’s immoral role in war on Yemen

    Jul 07, 2021 13:55

    We now have fresh evidence of how intimately arms dealers are embedded in the British military-diplomatic machine when it comes to Yemen. The Cameron government supported King Salman when he declared war in March 2015, with then-Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond declaring Britain would “support the Saudis in every practical way short of engaging in combat”.

  • Saudi Arabia: Why Biden will leave Mohammed bin Salman in charge

    Saudi Arabia: Why Biden will leave Mohammed bin Salman in charge

    Jul 06, 2021 19:57

    Despite Biden's rhetoric, American national interests are allied with those of the authoritarian crown prince in Riyadh.

  • Lift criminal blockade on Yemen

    Lift criminal blockade on Yemen

    Jun 08, 2021 20:28

    Like the blockade of Gaza that it resembles, the blockade of Yemen slowly strangles civilians to death without doing anything to halt the flow of weapons.

  • Study shows 91% of people killed or injured by explosives in global cities were civilians

    Study shows 91% of people killed or injured by explosives in global cities were civilians

    May 28, 2021 09:25

    On the heels of Israel's recent bombardment of the Gaza Strip, a London-based charity revealed Tuesday that civilians accounted for 91% of people killed or injured when explosive weapons were used in populated areas worldwide from 2011 to 2020.

  • Why is Biden selling weapons to a country that helped make Yemen a ‘hell hole’?

    Why is Biden selling weapons to a country that helped make Yemen a ‘hell hole’?

    May 09, 2021 13:09

    The Biden administration’s recent announcement giving a green light to a massive $23 billion weapons sale to the United Arab Emirates makes a mockery of its commitment to put human rights at the forefront of its foreign policy.