Jun 18, 2024 06:35 UTC
  • Do Ben Gvir's behaviors signal the dissolution of Israel's administrative structure?

Pars Today - Nowadays, Itmar Ben-Gvir, minister of national security of Israel, is not only a minister in the regime's cabinet, but also he keeps peeping everywhere and meddling in all affairs.

Ben-Gvir is the man who, in the first days his activity as a minister, with a group of Zionists and under military support, violated the sanctity of al-Aqsa Mosque in a provocative measure. 

According to Pars Today, the Israeli daily Haaretz wrote in an article that Ben-Gvir runs the police, has changed its executive policy, behaves Arabs strictly but treats the Jews going to Temple Mount mildly. 

Haaretz journalist, Josh Breiner, writes in the article, "The minister orders the police officers, interferes in appointments, and promotes controversial officers. He horrifies the opponents and has insinuated his political doctrine to the police." 

This article further reads that now even the security institutions are upset with the fact that Ben-Gvir interferes more than a minister.

A senior security source in the Israeli police, after the recent detention of anti-government protesters in Tel Aviv upon the order of Ben-Gvir said, "The minister of all army commanders has horrified the police. Ben-Gvir has occupied the police." 

The story goes like this that last Saturday the anti-government demonstration was held as usual at night in Tel-Aviv. Although the protesters had not closed any street, at 10 p.m. local time, a strange order was issued on the Kaplan-Begin intersection and the police forces entered the scene with water cannons.

During the clashes, 33 men and women were arrested without cause and many of the demonstrators were also dispersed through police violence. 

On the other hand, Herzi Halevi, Chief of the General Staff of Israel, warned that the Zionist regime army is lacking 15 battalions to fulfill its missions. 

The Israeli army is trying to form battalions out of the reserve forces as a temporary solution to the problem. 

The government of the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has spent over 40 billion Shekels (more than $10.741 billion) to recruit and employ the army reserve forces. 


Key phrases: Israeli national security minister, Israeli army failure, shortage of manpower in Israeli army, anti-government demonstration

