May 26, 2024 15:09 UTC
  • Taking action against century\'s criminal / A look at some important developments in Europe and Latin America
    Taking action against century\'s criminal / A look at some important developments in Europe and Latin America

Pars Today - The Spanish foreign minister wrote on social media X: The preventive measures set by the International Criminal Court, including the Israeli regime's halt to its military aggression in Rafah, are mandatory and must be enforced.

The severing of Colombia's relations with Israel, the deterioration of Spain's relations with Israel, Denmark's request to the Zionist regime to stop its attacks on Palestinians, and the emphasis of the European Union's foreign policy chief on the necessity of enforcing the International Criminal Court's ruling are among the important news from Europe and Latin America regarding Palestine.

Colombia: We Cut Off Relations with Israel

Luis Gilberto Murillo, Colombia's Foreign Minister, said in an interview with Al Jazeera: We cut off relations with the Zionist regime because it has not respected international humanitarian laws and has trampled on them. "Murillo added: We demand Israel's compliance with international resolutions and the implementation of the International Criminal Court's ruling, as well as the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister.

Brazil: We will not remain silent against Israel's aggression

According to CNN, Brazilian President Lula da Silva announced that his country cannot remain silent against Israel's aggression in Gaza. He said: I want to express solidarity with the women and children who are still dying in Palestine due to the Israeli cabinet's irresponsibility.

Deterioration of Spain-Israel relations

Meanwhile, according to The Guardian, Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles described the Gaza war as genocide against the Palestinian people and said that relations between Israel and Spain have deteriorated since Madrid's decision to recognize Palestine. Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares also wrote on social media X: The preventive measures set by the International Criminal Court, including the Israeli regime's halt to its military aggression in Rafah, are mandatory and must be enforced, and Israel must comply with them; this is also true for establishing a ceasefire, releasing prisoners, and providing humanitarian aid in Gaza.

Denmark: Israel's military operations against Palestinians must stop

According to Anadolu Agency, Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said: Given the International Criminal Court's ruling, we must see an immediate stop to Israel's ground offensive in Rafah and the establishment of a ceasefire. The Zionist regime must comply with this ruling.

Protest letter from EU employees

Meanwhile, The Guardian reported that over 200 EU employees have signed a protest letter to the three EU leaders, expressing concern over the bloc's inaction in the face of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which they say is incompatible with Brussels' basic values.

Italy: Aid to UNRWA will resume

According to Reuters, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani announced that Italy will resume its support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) with a €35 million allocation.

Borrell: ICC's ruling is mandatory

EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell wrote on social media X that the International Criminal Court's orders regarding the halt to the Zionist regime's military operations in Gaza are mandatory and must be fully and effectively implemented.


Key phrases: Colombia and Israel, Spain and Israel, Israel's crimes in Gaza, Denmark and Israel, International Criminal Court